Porsche Automobil Holding SE: Porsche-Group profit clearly up again

 Porsche Automobil Holding SE / Final Results

Release of an Ad hoc announcement according to § 15 WpHG, transmitted by
DGAP - a company of EquityStory AG.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

Stuttgart. At its meeting today, the supervisory board of Porsche Automobil
Holding SE, Stuttgart, Germany, stated that the Group profit before taxes
for the past business year 2007/08, which had risen again, amounted to EUR
8.569 billion. The prior-year figure had been EUR 5.857 billion. The
above-average jump in profit was again due to special influences in
connection with the holdings in Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg, Germany.
Porsche's operative earnings before taxes developed most satisfactorily.
Corrected for special effects from hedging operations as well as for the
interest result of Porsche SE it amounted to around one billion euros.
Increased development costs incurred i.a. for the fourth Panamera series,
for the hybrid drive in the Cayenne, for new, reduced consumption engines
and for new vehicle models, again proved a burden on the result.

This development was more than set off by the positive effects from cash
settled share option transactions by which Porsche participates in changes
to the stock exchange price of the VW shares. By way of these transactions
the further acquisition of VW ordinary shares is being hedged. The
contribution to profit from these transactions amounted to EUR 6.834
billion after the EUR 3.593 billion in the previous year. At the end of the
business year, the holding in VW amounted to 22.3 percent of all shares.
The profit attributable to Porsche on this basis amounted to EUR 1.007
billion, of which EUR 160.4 million were a cash in-flow in the form of a

The Group annual surplus (profit after taxes) climbed to EUR 6.392 billion
(previous year: EUR 4.242 billion) in the period under review. The earnings
per share, corrected for splitting, were EUR 35.94 (previous year: EUR
23.98) per ordinary share and EUR 35.95 (previous year: EUR 23.99) per
preferred share. Porsche shareholders shall benefit from this. It will be
proposed to the annual shareholders' meeting to be held at Porsche-Arena in
Stuttgart on 30 January 2009 to pay another dividend in the amount of EUR
0.694 per ordinary share and EUR 0.70 per preferred share as well as to
increase the special dividend to EUR two (previous year: EUR 1.50) per
ordinary share and per preferred share in consideration of the high one-off
earnings. As a result, the total distributed would climb to around EUR 472
(previous year: EUR 384) million, which would correspond to an increase by
approx. 23 percent.

With the new 911 Carrera models, and mainly because of the
consumption-reducing innovations of fuel direct injection and the Porsche
Doppelkupplungsgetriebe, Porsche takes an optimistic view of the current
business year 2008/09. The fact that further new models will be put on the
market in the near future should also support the sales situation on the
demand side.

Nevertheless, it is very difficult to make reliable statements on the
course of the current business year as a whole because of the current
economic situation, which is extremely tense due to the US mortgage crisis
and the financial market crisis. Porsche is therefore acting cautiously and
will, if necessary, respond flexibly to any further economic upheavals. In
any case it cannot be denied that demand in the automotive industry is due
to suffer a serious set-back. Porsche will hardly be able to escape this
downward trend so that currently we do not assume that we will be able to
repeat the high total sales of the previous business year.

07.11.2008 Financial News transmitted by DGAP

Language: English
Issuer: Porsche Automobil Holding SE
Porscheplatz 1
70435 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 (0)711 911-11000
Fax: +49 (0)711 911-26375
E-mail: info@porsche.de
Internet: www.porsche-se.com
ISIN: DE000PAH0038
Listed: Regulierter Markt in Berlin, Frankfurt (General Standard),
München, Stuttgart; Freiverkehr in Hannover, Hamburg,
Düsseldorf; Terminbörse EUREX

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